i want to either deepen my talking voice or make it a little higher, its like inbetween and i dont like it, any ways to do that? (not just like talk in deeper or hgiher voice)
And how do you make your singing voice stronger/ Like what exercises can you use? Or anything to make your voice just better!
|||Please see a qualified professional voice teacher. Don%26#039;t take advice from random strangers on the Internet. Don%26#039;t use the CDs, DVDs or videos as the communication is all one-way and you might misunderstand and damage your voice, perhaps permanently.
For more please consult my FAQ at http://www.wikyblog.com/CynthiaWunsch/FA鈥?/a>|||Here are some scales I found that extend your range. Just Sing on the syllable Gi
And do these for PITCH