Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How can I change my voice?

I was watching this video, and if you haven't watch the cartoon teen titans it might not make since to you.鈥?/a> I started to think about how awesome it would be to be a voice actor. How do you change your voice like that? Tara Strong can do a ton of different things. And not just making my voice real deep, I mean like Timmy turner, bart simpson etc. I really want to do something cool with my voice.
How can I change my voice?
If you live in a major city like Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago or New York you can find classes that teach voice over skills. Contact the theatre department at your local community college and one of the instructors can help you find good quality classes in voice over.
How can I change my voice?
you have to picture the voice in your head and try to sound like it. it takes practice but its possible.
shovin a d in it
swallow a whole potato but make sure it`s not too big so u stay alive for the talking thingy
Practice and voice lessons.
It's not something that can really be just do it. It happens mostly in your throat, though. Sorry - that probably isn't very helpful :).