My voice is, to me, a little deep and it sounds like I am running out of breath when I talk. You know how Ryan Sheckler's voice is? That's how mine sounds (just a very little) and it is so annoying, especially since I'm not a guy. I try making it higher like a females voice should be, but it doesn't work.
I heard you CAN change your voice by using a voice coach, but where do I find one? And how does it work?
Is it possible to change your voice?
well with deep voice, its hard to change to softer, but with softer you can make it deeper.just like me. i'm a guy with a softer voice. so once i tried to make it deeper, and it did work for a couple of months. after that i got very tired just by talking. and i wanted to change it back, cause its i couldn't talk for long, as guess my voice box couldn't handle it. then i wanted to change my voice back, but couldn't :(
after a couple more months of not trying the deep voice. i automatic changed by to my normal soft voice. which was heaps easier for me to talk and all that. now my voice isn't that soft, just a bit deeper which is what i wanted. yeah for a female to have a deep voice isn't that good. lets change voices hey..... lol
Is it possible to change your voice?
yes it is I do it all da time