I am 15 years old and my voice hasn't changed and it's really high-pitched and it cracks all the time when I talk and sometimes it whispers out. I scream and sing a lot just for fun and I do it like everyday and it's loud and I just play with my vocal range and I can tell I am screwing up my voice. I am just wondering how can I make my voice change faster and improve it and I am going to stop screaming and all that. Anything else
How to improve your voice?
Are you a young man? It sounds like the voice changes that young men experience when they mature. If it's been going on a long time, you might want to ask your doctor about it at your next checkup.
Screaming and singing loudly can leave polyps in your throat. Keeping down the volume can help, and, again, ask your doctor at your next checkup.
You might want to work on breathing exercises. If you don't have enough breath, your lungs and your throat have to strain to get the sound out.
Also, consider studying singing. It's good to go to a singing teacher, but if that doesn't work for you now, there are books with CDs that will help you get started with simple exercises to give you more control over your voice. Is there a music teacher at your school that you can ask for suggestions?
With practice you may be able to take care of the cracking and the whispering, but you may still end up with a high-pitched voice if that's your natural vocal range.
Finally, you may be self-conscious about this. It's possible that no one else is noticing.