Wednesday 26 October 2011

How to change our voice to become hoarse quickly?

I sound kind of childish though I was the age of 24.

is there any way to change my voice like a rockstar or when you get sick you lost your voice.that kind of voice that i want....

serious T_T
How to change our voice to become hoarse quickly?
Scream until your throat hurts.. Thats what rockstars do
How to change our voice to become hoarse quickly?
Smoke like a Cottonbelt freight train and drink like a fish. That's what bluesmen do.
If I yell and scream for 15 to 30 minutes I achieve the voice you are wanting. Just pretend like you are a Sargent in the military. If your lucky this may work for you.
This just isn't an Infectious Disease question. Anything you do to alter the pitch of your voice may adversely affect your vocal cords. The safest way is to see a vocal coach and perhaps there are ways to safely make some changes.
Just eat a lot of hot sauce or get kicked in the nads...always does it for me.